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Transforming Education

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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Presentation on The Three Marks of Existence - Buddhism (A Level Religious Studies)

Presentation on The Three Marks of Existence - Buddhism (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Buddha’s Teaching, Dukkha: The First Mark of Existence, Dukkha Dukkha, Viparinama Dukkha, Samkhara Dukkha, Patticchanna Dukkha, Apaticchanna Dukkha, Pariyana Dukkha, Nippariyaya Dukkha, Quotes for Dukka, Anicca: The Second Mark of Existence, Gross Level, Momentary Level, Causal Connections, Interpreting Experience, Positives of Anicca, Quotes for Anicca and Anatta: The Third Mark of Existence.
Presentation on Festivals and Worship - Hinduism (A Level Religious Studies)

Presentation on Festivals and Worship - Hinduism (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Puja, Puja - Actions and Meanings, Types of Puja, Puja in Temple, Importance, Holi - Nature, Holi - Stories Surrounding this Festival, Holi Role and Importance, Ganesh Chaturthi, Ganesh Chaturthi - Celebrations, Ganesh Chaturthi - Importance and Role, Diwali, Dewali - Stories, Dewali - Celebrations, Dewali-Role and Importance, Navaratri, Dusshra and Importance of Navaratri and Dusshra.
Presentation on Meta Ethics (A Level Religious Studies)

Presentation on Meta Ethics (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Cognitivism, Naturalistic Fallacy, Is-ought Gap, Fact-Value Distinction, Cognitivism Developed, Moral Reasoning, Non-Cognitivist Response, Non-Cognitivism Developed, Hume’s Analogy, McDowell’s Response, Relativism and Objections.
Presentation on Revelation and Scripture (A Level Religious Studies)

Presentation on Revelation and Scripture (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: ‘Revelation’?, Propositional Knowledge, Non-Propositional Knowledge, The Qur’an, The Bible, Literalists, Liberals, Conservatives, How Can We Analyse and Interpret the Bible? The Bible must be interpreted in a… Well that’s sorted then…? and Translation.
Revision Notes on Islam (A Level Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on Islam (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Pre-Islamic Arabia, Muhammad, Tawhid, Shirk, God’s Creativity, Power of God, God’s Mercy, Ninety-Nine Names of God, Implications of Tawhid, The Five Pillars of Islam, The Mosque, Sura 1 – Al Fatiha, Sura 96 – Al Alaq, The Qur’an, The Kalam Argument, Jihad, Sunni / Shi’a and the Six Articles of Faith.
Revision Notes on Revelation and Scripture (A Level Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on Revelation and Scripture (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Concept of Revelation, Revelation Through Conversion, Revelation Through Other Mystical and Religious Experiences, Revelation of God in the Person of Jesus, The Authority of the Bible, Significance and Importance of the Bible, Propositional and Non-Propositional Concepts of Revelation and Revelation and Scripture – Key Words.
Revision Notes on Applied Ethics (A Level Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on Applied Ethics (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Sexual Orientation, Heterosexual Sex Outside of Marriage, Gay and Lesbian Sex, Adultery with Reference to Divorce, Annulment and Mrs. Bergmeier, Marriage as well as Gay and Lesbian Marriage/ Civil Partnerships Alongside Part B Debate Style Question Material.
Revision Notes on Evil and Suffering (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on Evil and Suffering (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Augustinian Theodicy, Irenaean Theodicy, Hick’s Development of Irenaean Theodicy, J.L Mackie Inconsistent Triad, Animal Suffering, Innocent Suffering, Immense Suffering, Leibniz, Free-Will Defence, Process Theodicy, Criticisms of Irenaean Theodicy and Criticisms of Augustine’s Theodicy.